In January of this year my small Future of the Amazon Foundation organized and paid for a small conference of about three dozen tribal chiefs from the million acre Araribóia Indigenous Territory where I connected them to the reforester: Eden Projects. This resulted in a first ambitious promise to reforest 50.000 acres of destroyed forests and a call to start collecting tree seeds to support this effort. This reforestation will be financed by the reforester and has started in earnest on several locations.


Here is a picture I received from the village of Cumaru where the people collected 200 big bags of tree seeds for the great reforestation effort. The seed campaign is going viral among the people in the area because they want to have their forest back. We hope to further stimulate these actions by paying the people to do the seed collection as an extra incentive. Once these projects start to happen, they go viral, even with very little means.

In fact I am getting pictures daily from new villages constructing nurseries, planting trees. The action is going viral in many places without Eden Project in this huge area!


I hope to organize this second meeting early September with chiefs from these Indigenous areas (Alto Rio Guamá, Alto Turiaçu, Caru, Rio Pindaré, Awá and Araribóia plus the nature reserve Gurupi) and allied organizations to scale the protection and regeneration efforts. 
In order to bring everyone together for a 2 day meeting we will need travel and accommodation expenses of about 3000 USD. it will take some two days to get to the meeting place of Santa Inês – State of Maranhão, Brazil and we will invite various institutes and friendly politicians to support the efforts.


I would be grateful if you could donate to the organization of this small conference, which I will organize with my friend cacique Ronilson Guajajara. 


Thank you very much for reading this message and I hope you will be able to support the effort. I am at your service to provide more information, please let me know

With gratitude!
Rob de Laet
Future of the Amazon Foundation
WhatsApp: +55 71 992617846


The Future of the Amazon Foundation is registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Amsterdam, the Netherland, under number 82713820. Financial contributions can be made to IBAN 
account NL50BUNQ2060049857 att: Future of the Amazon Foundation or via PayPal: .or for Brasil: PIX CPF 745016151-68

(this will be transferred later to the Brazilian project account or used for costs made in Brasil on behalf of the project).or via

Page header photo with parrots by Debora Tingley on Unsplash